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Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Fencing - The Most Legendary Sport to Take Place on Planet Earth

Many of you may know, or may not know that I participate in the ancient sport of fencing.  It is a glorious duel between two individuals incorporating fierce competition, honor, sportsmanship, strength, speed, and precision.  In my personal opinion it is one of the greatest sports to ever take place on the planet.  Let's learn a little about this physical activity that is very foreign to most of us here in the states...

Some facts...

-The tip of the fencing weapon is the second fastest moving object in sport; the first is the marksman's bullet.
-Fencing is conducted on a 14m x 2m "strip" or "piste" to replicate combat in confined quarters such as a castle hallway.
- Fencers wear white uniforms because before the advent of electronic scoring, touches were recorded on the usually white surface with a wad of ink-soaked cotton on the tips of the weapons.  
 -Fencing is the only combat sport with no weight classes.


Foil (The Best)




The Best Club In Town

Arizona Fencing Center

Mi Maestro (Coach/Teacher)

Florin Paunescu

...yes, he is a European Cup gold medalist (1982)... Don't worry about it.

Th-th-that's all folks...

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